Frugal Film Project – Sherry Christensen

Wow… the second year of Frugal is complete. What a ride… 2020 was a poor year for my photography, covid kind of sapped my creativity and I even mucked up a roll! Some months all I shot was the roll for this project… but I did get to know the Nikon F75 very well!

So… what did I think of the camera and kit lens? The camera body I kind of ended up liking, even with the limitations, such as manual was a pain and I ended up shooting either aperture priority or shutter priority rather than mess with toggling a button. The meter was spot on correct, all exposures were correct. The DX only can be fooled a bit with exposure compensation, but I did miss not being able to set the ISO. The camera was light, easy to carry and fit the hand well.

The lens… oh that lens! Its sharp enough… ok for outdoor photos, but indoors requires the pop up flash at times. Its gelded (no aperture ring) which I hadn’t used one before and I hate it! I want more control… even focus/recompose was tricky with the auto focus; sometimes it would just refocus even when you had pressed the button to lock focus.

When I swapped out to use the hot lights, the camera lens didn’t meter correctly… so I guessed! Yes I have a meter… but it’s not frugal. Think I blew 4 frames being underexposed… not bad for guessing. The lens does not focus close either. I don’t recommend this lens for still life work!

The body would be just fine though. It is a great travel/landscape outfit… perfect for beginners!

See you all the Frugal Film Project ’21 Facebook group!


Frugal Film Project – The Zine!

The Frugal Film Project: one camera, one film, one year. Follow 13 photographers around the globe who complete this project…

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